About McInerney Medico Legal

Dr. Mary McInerney
Dr. Mary Gilmore McInerney qualified in Medicine in NUIG and after postgraduate training in Ireland she was awarded a Diploma in Psychological Medicine (DPM) in 1980 and an MRCPsych in 1981. She obtained additional training in paediatrics and gained a Diploma in Child Health from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland in 1982.
She was appointed Consultant Psychiatrist to Our Lady’s Hospital, Ennis, Co. Clare/Clare Mental Health Services in 1982, later becoming Clinical Director of that service and taking on the role of Resident Medical Superintendent. She was appointed Clinical Tutor and became the coordinating tutor for the Midwest Postgraduate Training Scheme, a post she held for twenty five years.
She has a special interest in social and rehabilitation psychiatry and recovery programmes. Indeed, she spearheaded the change from institutional care into community based mental health care. Her efforts were recognised by her peers and she was awarded the prestigious Fellowship of the Royal College of Psychiatrists UK – FRCPsych.
She served on various committees with the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland and the Royal College of Psychiatrists, UK. She was the Irish representative on the rehabilitation section of the RCPsych for many years. She was a founder member of the Irish Psychiatric Rehabilitation Interest Group (IPRIG) and the Private and Independent Psychiatric Special Interest Group (PIPSIG).
She was chair of the Clinical Directors Group for many years which was involved in networking with colleagues with a focus on Vision for Change. She is also a member of the Medico-Legal Society of Ireland and is a medical visitor for the Office of Wards of Court.
She is a past member of Cospóir (sports body founded in the early 80’s) and she was central to the decision in making helmets compulsory for underage hurling. In addition to her active professional career, she was the doctor for the All-Ireland winning Galway hurling teams from 1979 to 1987 being the first female to hold such a position.

Dr. Shane McInerney
MSc (Research), BSc. (Hons.), MRC Psych (UK)
Dr. Shane McInerney is a General Adult Consultant Psychiatrist with a special interest in mood disorders and medicolegal psychiatry based in Galway.
He served as an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto and was clinical lead at “The Centre for Depression and Suicide Studies” at the St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Canada for a 5 year period until 2019 when he returned to Ireland.
He obtained a prestigious fellowship in Brain and Therapeutics from the University of Toronto, a world leading medical university which also awarded him the John M. Cleghorn Research Award and The Connaught Community Partnership Award.
Earlier in his career, The Royal College of Psychiatrists awarded him the Douglas Bennet Prize for his work in rehabilitation research. He is a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (UK) and the College of Psychiatry of Ireland. In addition, he holds membership of the Medico-Legal Society of Ireland and is a medical visitor for the Office of Wards of Court.